We often look for the etymology of a word, as if this somehow reveals a forgotten thread, the hidden meaning of a word. Koetsier's ads (just like other ads) were often accompanied by the word ‘(advertentie)’ – in brackets. Who would have thought ‘advertentie’ has something to do with ‘waarschuwing’ (warning)? And who would have thought the core of this word is a Latin word (ADVERTERE) that’s all about turning?
♦ ADVERTEREN ww. ‘openlijk bekendmaken’. Mnl. adverteren ‘inlichten’ [1451; MNHWS]; vnnl. ‘waarschuwen’ [1467-90; MNHWS]; vnnl. ‘mededelen, bekendmaken’ [1452-94; MNHWS]. ‘(iemand) attenderen’ [1250] ‘(iemand) inlichten’ [eind 15e eeuw] had ondergaan en ontwikkeld is uit vulgair Latijn *advertire < advertere ‘bemerken’, gevormd uit → Latijn advertere [wenden naar, de aandacht op iets vestigen], van ad [tot, naar] + vertere [wenden].
Lennarts & de Bruijn
Richard Niessen
Janneke Hendriks